
Layout Design
Web Design
Social Media

Creativity has always been a big part of my life, and I most recently graduated with a Bachelor of Art in Graphic and Web Design from The Art Institute of Colorado. I also have a Bachelor of Fine Arts from The University of Tennessee. I often get the question of why two art degrees, and the simple answer is, it’s my passion.

My first degree taught me painting, photography, and how to think and create in a conceptual way. My second degree in design combined my passion of creating with my love of problem-solving and organization. Plus, there is always something new to learn!

I’m so excited to see where these passions and my love for Graphic Design takes me. I strive daily to learn something new, whether that be motion-related, web-related, or just a new font! I work effectively in a fast-paced environment, and am always excited by a challenge. If I’ve left anything out, or you’d like to work together on a project, please don’t hesitate to reach out,